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    Archive of month: 2020

    Los idiomas más complicados para traduicir
    The five most difficult languages to translate
    Translating a language is one of the most complicated things there is to do; however, it is quite necessary considering the great number of languages that exist in the world. In fact, there are people who specialize in translation — s...
    Four reasons why companies should outsource translations
    Four reasons why companies should outsource translations
    There are many companies growing abroad that need to communicate with customers and providers in another language. Companies, at times, assign workers with a good language level the task of translating texts, but these individuals are not p...
    The difference between translation and localization
    The difference between translation and localization
    Translation and localization are concepts that are closely related but their meanings and scope are completely different. Each specialty applies different cultural and functional techniques. Given the importance and interconnectedness betwe...
    Tips to choose the right translation agency
    Tips to choose the right translation agency
    Making the right choice with your translation agency is key for your projects. However, we aren’t always sure what to look for. Do you want to find out what you need to be watchful for? Keys for choosing a translation company Obviously, y...
    Translation of braille
    Translation of braille
    Braille is a writing system that allows blind people to read by passing their fingertips over a combination of embossed dots. It is not a language, but an international alphabet that can express letters, numbers, and even musical notes. If ...
    Translation mistakes in the tourism sector
    Translation mistakes in the tourism sector
    Normally, the worst examples of bad translations are always found in texts related to the tourism sector. Have you noticed these details? A cover on a restaurant menu that is not correct, an unfortunate sign announcing an activity, or a bro...
    Translation mistakes on social networks
    Translation mistakes on social networks
    Since the irruption in our lives of what many call the digital age, borders ceased to exist in a market that could not be more attractive to most businesses. It doesn’t matter if it’s an eCommerce site, any other type of company...
    The importance of spelling in translation
    The importance of spelling in translation
    Spelling involves the correct use of letters to correctly write each word. In order to implement it, it is necessary to know and apply the conventions and standards established in the language in question. It’s much more than just a s...
    The limitations of machine translation
    Machine translation may seem very useful if you need to know the meaning of a website’s content, but is it recommended when you need to correctly translate your proposal on the Internet? What are the limitations of machine translation...
    Translation of PDF files
    Translation of PDF files
    Surely, the PDF (Portable Document Format) is one of the most used in your day to day. It was developed by Adobe Systems and is one of the current standards for digital documentation. Thanks to its robustness, its compatibility with any ope...
    Translation quality control
    Translation quality control
    You may have read several times about the quality of translations completed by professionals. But have you ever stopped to think about how it’s achieved? In this article, we’ll discuss quality control, the tools that can help, and w...
    The translation of tourist texts: key to the sector 
    The translation of tourist texts: key to the sector 
    In Spain we have a great presence of international tourism. In fact, in 2017, we had 82 million tourists from other countries. With this data up our sleeve, it’s logical to think that an online presence of tourism companies is vitally imp...
    Translation of fiction: basic recommendations
    Translation of fiction: basic recommendations
    The translation of fiction is one of the areas of translation work that is most interesting. Would you like to know how to undertake literature translation and what the most recommendable strategies for success are? What is literature trans...
    Strategies in the world of subtitle translation
    Strategies in the world of subtitle translation
    Today, with so many streaming platforms, we are used to seeing series and films with subtitles. This is a world in which, perhaps, you don’t stop to think about the challenging “hidden” task: the translation of the subtitles. Subtitle...
    Co-official languages in Spain
    Co-official languages in Spain
    The co-official languages in Spain are specified in Article 3 of the Constitution. Below, we’ll give you full information on each of them: What are the co-official languages in Spain? In fact, there are five. Below, we’ll tell you a bit...
    What are Vernacular Languages?
    What are the best dictionaries for learning languages?
    When learning a language, it is always necessary to have a dictionary that does more than just offer you the meaning of a word; instead, it should also offer complementary grammar explanations. What are the best dictionaries for learning a ...
    The ten most famous translation mistakes
    The ten most famous translation mistakes
    Translation should not be taken as something literal; in a way, it can even be considered an art. If you don’t believe that, just think about some of the most embarrassing translation mistakes that have been made throughout history. The m...
    The most common translation mistakes
    The most common translation mistakes
    When a text is being translated, it is common for a series of errors to be made that repeat at an alarming rate. Below, we’ll tell you about the most recurring one and offer you the most effective solutions for you to avoid them. The most...
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