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    Archive of month: 2022

    Traducciones para el sector de la gastronomía
    Culinary translation
    Are you looking for personalized and quality culinary translation? Our team of qualified professionals with demonstrable experience will successfully take care of your requests. In this article, we want to convince you of the importance of ...
    Traduce con profesionales el cv al inglés
    Translating a curriculum: what to bear in mind?
    Sometimes job opportunities present themselves in foreign countries and, to be able to apply to them, you need to translate your CV to English. But if it is already difficult to write your CV in Spanish, it’s even more complicated to do i...
    Traducción audiovisual y master
    What is audiovisual translation?
    If you’re someone who likes to use subtitles when watching films at home or who likes to go to the cinema and view the original, subtitled version, you’re benefitting from the advantages of audiovisual translation. But don’t be mistak...
    Traducción profesional de las cuentas anuales empresariales
    Translation of annual accounts to English
    Annual accounts, as you will already know, are a process which any Spanish business must undertake. And, you must submit them annually to the Business Registry of the city where your office is located. It is a legal process that you can’t...
    aumentar ventas
    Key trends in the translation sector for 2022
    Luckily, as the impact of COVID lessens, the feeling of a new reality is growing. This seems to be the case at least. 2022 is set to be the year that everything restarts, and having a comprehensive knowledge of the trends in translation wil...
    la importancia de hacer revisión de cada traducción
    How to review translations?
    Reviewing a translation is an essential step in overcoming any language barrier. During the process, emphasis must not only be placed on stylistic and semantic correctness, but also on copyright. The new version may be wonderful and polishe...
    las estrategias ed traduccción que mejoran el posicionamiento de un negocio online
    Translation strategies for ecommerce
    Do you need new translation strategies for your ecommerce? You’re reading the right article to find the perfect proposal for your project. In fact, if you have some well-crafted texts, you’ll be certain to attract more customers, and w...
    traducción neuronal, ¿qué es?
    What is neural translation?
    Have you heard of neural translation? You should know that it has its foundations in traditional machine translation. This has always been a complex task, given languages’ inherent ambiguity. It’s worth pointing out that a word’s...
    traducir un excel
    Options for translating in Excel
    If you work in the professional sphere, it’s more than likely that you may need to translate an Excel. This type of file can have lots of important information in it, from timings and bills to content or aims. In addition, it is common to...
    How do you translate a PrestaShop store?
    Translating PrestaShop 1.6 to English is a task you cannot afford to pass up on. The message you send to your visitors is essential in order to convert them into buyers. That’s why you need correct and appropriate translations. But, do yo...
    Traducir un ecommerce
    How do you translate an e-commerce site?
    Taking into consideration all the elements of your e-commerce site requiring translation will offer you greater control when it comes to establishing you brand image before customers. Communication is a key element for connecting with y...
    como traducir un magento
    How do you translate a Magento store?
    The majority of e-commerce platforms allow you to offer your content in several different languages at the same time. However, for the best user experience, we recommend opting for a tailor-made translation of your Magento, Shopify or ...
    How do you translate Facebook posts ?
    Sometimes, Facebook and translation go hand in hand. For example, when you have a page that you want to make bilingual. This is very common when it comes to media companies or businesses with an international audience, who don’t want to l...
    All the secrets of voiceover
    A voiceover is a production technique that consists in superimposing a voice in order to translate a sentence in the audiovisual field. For this, the voice of a speaker not appearing on-screen is recorded. This professional recording meth...
    importancia de traducir medicina
    What makes medical translation so important?
    Medical translation is responsible for facilitating the comprehension of a drug’s information leaflet, the instructions for a medical device or the content of a patient report, among other texts. Are you interested in discovering its adva...