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    Archive of month: 2022

    Traducir una aplicación permite internacionalizar tu negocio. Traducción app
    Translating mobile apps for e-commerce
    If you have an online store, you must know that this is the perfect moment to go international. Mobile commerce is the method of electronic commerce with the best prospects for development and, for this reason, e-commerce applications and t...
    Las palabras más largas del alfabeto alemán
    The 10 longest words in German
    Do you feel the time has come to start learning German? You’re no doubt interested in the grammar, the vocabulary, the declensions and so on. However, there are fascinating aspects of learning a language that are not to be missed – for ...
    Las palabras más curiosas de todos los idiomas
    10 unusual words in other languages
    Viajar es algo tan enriquecedor que, sin duda, debemos llevarlo a cabo siempre que nos lo podamos permitir. Nos posibilita abrir nuestra mente a la inmensa variedad de costumbres, estilos de vida y personas que hay en el mundo. Pero, tambiГ...
    las expresiones más comunes en Rusia por los rusos
    The most common Russian expressions
    Did you know that there are almost 300 million Russian speakers in the world? Indeed, Russian is the fourth most spoken language worldwide and, what’s more, it’s full of curiosities that few people know. In this article, we’re going t...
    Traducir artículos de opinión
    How do you translate opinion pieces?
    The role of translation in the field of journalism is essential. Often we read news articles or opinion pieces and we are unaware that a large number of these texts are in fact translations. However, these translations are often not signed ...
    Servicios de trancripción de entrevistas para empresas
    How do you transcribe an interview?
    Did you know that interviews are one of the most frequently transcribed formats? That’s right, and it’s not particularly surprising, since they make up an important chunk of the work done by journalists, researchers, etc. You may alread...
    Como decir "amor" en inglés, francés o varios idiomas
    How to Say ‘Love’ in Different Languages
    Would you like to learn a new language, but you just don’t have the time? This happens pretty often, since work and our daily routine consume us, and when the time comes to take on a new challenge, we lack motivation. In this article, weв...
    El auge de las empresas y agencias de traducción
    The boom in translation agencies
    Why are translation agencies so important today? The current labor and business sector is demanding specialized content. There are other personal reasons that may also require specialized translation. What are the reasons for the growing nu...
    is worth highlighting that the translated text must have the same effect in the target language as in the original for there to be any  cultural adaptation.
    Poor translations lead to cultural crises
    An image and text should work together to attract and seduce foreigners to choose a particular tourist package. Seduction requires language, and tourists will greatly appreciate being able to read leaflets and guides that help them to find ...
    Aprende expresionaes del ingllés para comunicarte y salir de cualquier apuro
    The most common English expressions
    You’ve already mastered English, but perhaps you still need a little more confidence to master certain common English expressions? In this article, we’ve prepared a list of the most used English expressions, so you can start to speak fl...
    Which is the most spoken language in Europe?
    What do you think the most spoken language in Europe is? The answer might surprise you: it’s Russian. Interesting, right? From a linguistic point of view, Russia dominates the European region with over 120 million native speakers across t...
    The 10 most translated books in history
    You’ve probably heard that the Bible is the most translated book in the world. But, have you ever wondered which other books have been translated the most? In this article, we want to show you which novels have achieved the greatest succe...
    Como traducir un wordpress, plugin
    How do you translate a WordPress?
    If you’ve got an international website or an e-commercestore, you’re likely looking for a plugin to translate a WordPress theme. After all, this is the best way to communicate with potential Spanish and international customers. However,...
    Basic German vocabulary
    Did you know that German is spoken by more than 100 million people in Europe? In fact, it is the most widely spoken language in the European Union. What’s more, it’s also a pluricentric language … What does that mean? It’s quite...
    Is it difficult to teach yourself Chinese?
    Would you like to know how to learn Chinese from scratch, but don’t have the slightest idea where to start? Well, don’t worry. Though more and more people are taking up this language, it’s still far from a common choice. What’s more...
    La traducción es una de las estrategias de marketing de contenidos
    Strategies for content marketing
    Nowadays it is essential to have a bespoke content marketing proposal. If you want to outsource this area of your business, you are in the right place. You should know that you have a multitude of options and possibilities to obtain quick a...
    Los mejores plugins de traducción para tu ecommerce
    The best translation plugins for WordPress
    The best WordPress translation plugins are designed to offer a simple and interactive experience. If you want to deal with the whole, wide world, including some of its many languages, you’re in the right place. It has never been so simple...
    Internacionalizar un e-commerce con traducciones profesionales
    How to internationalize an e-commerce?
    Online shop internationalization is gradually becoming a perfect formula for guaranteeing the success of small- and medium-sized businesses. It seems obvious that businesses are going to have to adapt to new global consumer habits and ...
    Traducciones para mejorar el SEO de tu página
    What is translation for SEO?
    El SEO (search engine optimization) se ha convertido a día de hoy en un aspecto clave para las empresas con presencia en Internet. Si tienes un sitio web o un blog y este no está optimizado para los buscadores, no podrás aparecer en...