How to write a wine technical sheet

If you own or work in a winery, you probably know that wine technical sheets are extremely important. This is especially the case if they are intended for wines that you are going to export. The reason for this is intuitive. Sometimes you don’t have the opportunity to send samples for clients to try. And in these circumstances, having a good product description will make things much easier. We’re going to explain a bit more about why your company should be focusing on this type of detail.

The wine business

The wine industry can be especially profitable if you approach it properly. Many small producers and independent wineries find their place in the global market. Thanks to the thriving wine culture that exists in many countries, as well as the use of the internet to make international sales, an infinite number of markets can be found in which to operate.

In this context, it’s interesting to note that there are some countries in which exporters have already opened up an especially prosperous market.

The internationalisation of Spanish wines

If you are active in the wine industry, it’s highly likely that you are aware of the global success of European wines. In fact, Asia is a nearly inexhaustible market that is constantly demanding new products. More specifically, countries such as Japan and China lead the way in importing our wines.

Japan has always shown a special interest in everything Spanish; from tapas to flamenco, our traditional culture has been lapped up in the land of the rising sun. And, more recently, China has created many commercial links with Spain. This means that our products have found their way into this market.

How to create an effective wine technical sheet

Technical sheets are your way to introduce your products. If there is one gateway that you have to get through to market your wines overseas, this is it. And here are some of the elements to which you have to pay close attention.

1. Have a translation done by a native speaker

Obviously, any mistake or inaccuracy in the translation will not be forgiven. Make one and there is no way that potential overseas customers are going to try your product. That’s why you have to be very careful with this. The ideal solution is to work with professionals who can provide a native-level translation. If you do, no ambiguities, mistakes or inaccuracies will make their way into the final text.

2. Know how to summarise and explain the information

This may seem an obvious point but it’s not actually as straightforward as you may think. You have to take account of one thing: the need to adapt to the business culture of the country where you want to market your wine. And that means finding out, first hand, what they consider important and how to achieve it. This can also be reflected in your technical sheet. Are you going to sell in markets that are looking for the same thing in a wine as we do? Are you prioritising the same aspects? First, take a look at local product sheets to get an idea of how to go about yours.

3. The difficulty is in the description

Some more technical features (grape variety, maceration time, etc.) are relatively simple to translate. This is mainly because they are not open to any ambiguity. However, when we are talking about flavour or explaining the characteristics of a wine, you do have to fine tune things a little.

You need to provide descriptions that are memorable and that connect well with your future customers. Try to integrate yourself into the culture a little, understand their concerns, references and what they are looking for. The more you can understand about the market you are tapping into, the better.

4. Differentiate yourself

We’re going to look at a key point now – the way you go about describing your wine. Competing in international markets can be complex and arduous. Competition will be stiff. You have to compete with local producers as well as all the other internationals trying to carve out a niche for themselves in the market. And the best way of doing this is to differentiate your product, showcasing its characteristics and explaining how they add value to your wines.

This is something that you can reflect in your product sheet. It’s important that you do. Perhaps in a one-to-one you can convince distributers of the virtues of your product. But at the end of the day, the final consumer will also be reading this information.

In conclusion wine technical sheets are essential when it comes to offering an original product to potential consumers. And to succeed, you first need to work with professional translators who can offer the best service. At blarlo, we offer a wide range of possibilities that you really should make the most of, so do get in touch.

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