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    The most beautiful lines from The Little Prince in French

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    The Little Prince is the most famous work by writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This lovely poetic and philosophical work was first published on 6 April 1943. You’re bound to have heard of or even read this book, or perhaps simply heard some of the inspiring lines from The Little Prince in French.

    It’s no exaggeration to say that this book is a true exemplar of universal literature and French culture. In this article, we’re going to list a few of those inspiring lines that have made this fable the second most translated book in history, behind only the Bible.

    Some of the most inspiring lines from The Little Prince in French

    If you like this language, know a few of the basics or want to start learning from scratch, but don’t know where to start, this book will be the one for you. It’s not too long, but it is the story’s sensitivity and call for reflection that make it well worth a read.

    And, as promised, here are a few of our favorite lines:

    • “On ne voit clairement qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible aux yeux” (It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye).

    This is one of the most quoted lines from The Little Prince in French. Here, the novel invites us to look beyond appearances in order to understand the true nature of things. We tend to focus on what’s on the surface and value people based on how they appear, but we should always remember to go deeper, through our emotions and the heart.

    • “Le désert est beau. Ce qui embellit le désert, c’est qu’il cache un puits quelque part.” (The desert is beautiful. What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well).

    When we think about the desert, we imagine an inhospitable and lonely place. However, this landscape may also be home to unexpected surprises. Just like people. Often, we only concentrate on what we see at first glance – but that person who seems so hostile might just hide some beautiful feelings and values that we would never have discovered if we hadn’t taken the time to look for them.

    • “Quand on est tellement triste, on aime les couchers de soleil” (When one is that sad, one can get to love the sunset).

    This quote interprets the sunset as the hope of a new day. When experiencing great sadness, this moment brings a feeling of relief and the prospect of a new start.

    • “C’est un endroit tellement secret, le pays des larmes” (It’s so mysterious, the land of tears).

    Many people prefer to hide their tears, to avoid showing vulnerability. The author defines this as a secret or intimate act.

    • “Fais de ta vie un rêve et d’un rêve une réalité” (Make of your life a dream, and of a dream a reality).

    The Little Prince reminds us of the enormous power of the imagination. The imagination is the first step to being able to create something, including our own existence. You should dream what you want in life, and then fight to make it a reality.

    • “Le premier amour est plus aimé, le reste est mieux aimé” (The first love is loved more, the rest are loved better).

    Our first loves are experienced intensely – but often not in the best way. Those that come after, find us better prepared, which often helps us to make less mistakes and appreciate every moment.

    • “Il faudra supporter deux ou trois chenilles si je veux connaître les papillons” (I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies).

    We don’t always get what we want on the first few tries, but it’s important to learn from this and never give up.

    • “Vous êtes maître de votre vie et de vos émotions, ne l’oubliez jamais. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire” (You are the master of your life and your emotions, never forget that. For better and for worse).

    This is a sentence that you can use often to remind yourself that only you have to the power to choose your actions and your emotions; though the circumstances may be difficult, you can always choose to be positive. By contrast, you might find that – even though everything is going well – you struggle to find joy.

    As you can see, The Little Prince is a book that helps readers to keep up the pace thanks to its many metaphors and reflections. It’s the perfect way to learn to read in French, as a book that often leaves a mark with the beautiful message it offers. The value of knowing oneself, the value of friendship, and the value of perseverance, for example. We wholeheartedly recommend it!

    If you love French and want to learn the language, you can practice these lines from The Little Prince in its original language to get started. Don’t hesitate to chase your own dreams. We at Blarlo can help you to learn the language with the best professionals. What are you waiting for?

    The most famous lines from the children’s book “The Little Prince” in French

    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Deutsch (German)