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    Top idiomatic expressions in Catalan

    Principales frases hechas en catalán
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    Idiomatic expressions in Catalan are an important part of the Catalan language and culture. Keeping this type of element in mind when writing a novel or other content, or even when having conversations in Catalan, can be key to correctly localizing the message you want to transmit. In this article, we’ll explore the details hidden in different idiomatic expressions and the many types that exist in Catalan.

    What are idiomatic expressions?

    Also known as idioms or colloquialisms, they are an important and fascinating part of the Catalan language that is deeply rooted in the rich culture and history of Catalonia. 

    These phrases, passed on from generation to generation, are not only linguistic vehicles, but also carry folk wisdom, collective experience and the linguistic creativity of a people. From ancestral proverbs to contemporary idioms, these figures of speech are a reflection of the Catalan cultural identity, providing a unique view of the traditions, beliefs and values that have been rooted in the Catalan community over time.

    Types of expressions in Catalan

    These are some of the most interesting expressions in Catalan, their meaning and origin, as well as how they are used in everyday life:

    “Anar calent d’orelles” (To walk ears first): This expression is used to describe somebody that is distracted or lost in thought. It is said to originate from the habit that donkeys have of walking forward with their heads down and ears up, as if they weren’t paying attention to their surroundings.

    “Fer els ulls grossos” (Turn a blind eye): This expression refers to consciously ignoring something that is considered incorrect or inappropriate. Its origin dates back to medieval times, when it is said that Spanish customs officials would turn a blind eye on contraband if they received a bribe.

    “Posar la mà al foc” (Stake one’s life on [something]): Used to express a high degree of trust in someone or something. This expressions suggests that the person would be willing to give their life to prove that what they are saying is true.

    “Fer de la necessitat virtut” (To make a virtue of necessity): This expression refers to making the best out of a difficult or complicated situation. It is a reminder that even in the toughest moments, there are always opportunities to be creative and overcome it.

    Professional translations from Catalan to any language

    The type of expressions in Catalan that we have discussed are only a brief example of the rich linguistic heritage of Catalonia. This is why, as a specialized translation agency, our mission is to promote and preserve Catalan culture, offering professional translation services from Catalan to any language. This includes translations from Catalan to Spanish and Catalan to English, among many other combinations. 

    Count on a team of expert translators that are not only fluent in Catalan, but also have a deep understanding of their cultural and historical context. By trusting blarlo to translate your documents, you guarantee the authenticity and meaning of each word and expression—even the most idiomatic ones—are preserved. Don’t hesitate to hire accurate and trustworthy translation services, and connect with the rich culture and uniqueness of the Catalan people.

    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Nederlands (Dutch) Deutsch (German)