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    Sworn Translation for Immigration Processes

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    Translations for immigration processes can be very useful. You’ll need this type of translation if you ever want to prove the legal validity of a document in another language. This way, you’ll achieve a suitable text to be presented to the relevant authorities. Want to find out more about translations for immigration processes? Keep reading!

    translation for immigration processes

    What are sworn translations for immigration processes?

    A sworn translation is carried out to grant official value to a deed issued in other country and in another language. This will allow you to deliver it to the appropriate public authorities: such as Immigration, in this case. Once completed, the professional will stamp it with a seal and sign it to prove its relevant authorization. These translations can’t be done by just anyone – you’ll need to look for a specialist and official translator.

    These professionals sit official exams in order to carry out this kind of work. In these, they demonstrate their knowledge of applicable laws and the language into which they offer translations. In Spain, it is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation that is responsible for authorizing and appointing these experts. They are officially known as sworn translators-interpreters.

    Remember, there is no other way to offer validity to the documents you need to translate. To obtain a sworn translation of a foreign text, you’ll need to turn to one of these professionals.

    What kind of documents are usually translated?

    Different kinds of accreditations, certificates and deeds may be translated, normally required in order to travel abroad or within the country, as the case may be. A sworn translation offers these texts their required official nature, saving you the hassle of any legal problems with the relevant authorities.


    A passport is essential if you want to travel around a country. While EU citizens can travel without a passport within member states, anyone from outside of this area will need to provide a translation. Without this certification, the authorities will not be able to legally identify you.


    This is another commonly translated form of accreditation, as it is required in order to identify yourself. Once you’ve had it translated, you’ll be able to freely travel around your chosen country.

    Birth certificate

    A birth certificate records the date and place of your birth, your sex and, if applicable, your time of birth and parentage. In most countries, this is issued by a Civil Registrar or, for foreign citizens, the consulate for their country of birth. You’ll need this for various formalities concerning both public and private bodies.

    Marriage certificate

    This document proves the date and place in which you were married. Details regarding your spouse will also appear on this document, offering additional information to the requesting authorities.

    Census-registration certificate

    In Spain, this document allows you to prove the details recorded in a municipal census regarding your place of residence, as long as you are of legal age. This is issued by the town councils of each municipality and is essential if you need to provide that you live in a certain area.

    Criminal-record certificate

    This document reports any possible criminal record you may have. In Spain, this reports the information held by the Central Criminal Records and is issued by the Ministry of Justice – while in the UK, criminal record checks are issued by ACRO, the Criminal Records Office.

    Document proving the possession of sufficient financial means

    This certification must be presented by foreign citizens to prove that they have the necessary financial resources to support themselves in Spain and to return to their home country. If required, you’ll need to detail your financial resources in this document, which will allow the authorities to assess your needs.

    Request a quote from Blarlo for the translation of your immigration documents

    If you want to guarantee the validity and legal value of these documents, among others, you’ll need to turn to a team of experienced professionals, holding the appropriate official accreditation. Without this, you’ll may come into difficulties with the various authorities, cutting short your stay in the country in question. At Blarlo, we offer you a high-quality service to meet all your needs.

    We work with native translators, guaranteeing top-rate translations. They have an extensive understanding of legal terms in the language in which they work, essential for avoiding any mistakes that may be difficult to resolve. Don’t hesitate to ask us for your no-commitment quote. We’ll get back to your request as soon as possible, so you can obtain your translation in no time at all. All you need to do is get in touch with us and read up on the conditions of the services we offer.

    In short, translations for immigration processes must be carried out by certified experts – otherwise, they will not have the necessary legal value. We at Blarlo will help you to translate any document you may require, in various languages. This will save you plenty of hassle when it comes to completing any formalities with the authorities. Get in touch with today! We’ll be delighted to help you.

    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Deutsch (German)