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    Boost your SEO strategy with translation

    SEO strategy with translation
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    Having a good SEO strategy is essential for companies that sell their products online to attract a high volume of traffic and sales. That being said, it’s not enough to simply have a department that takes care of your SEO positioning; you’ll also need to work on several aspects of your brand. Do you want to know how to get this competitive edge? Let us explain!

    Key points in an SEO strategy

    Below, we explain the key points you’ll need to work on.

    Proper keyword design

    Keywords are the pillars that will help you build content to attract your audience. This is the only way to get their attention and draw them to your page. Choosing the most suitable terms involves searching and researching on Google Ads in order to identify search patterns and find opportunities.

    Now, it’s crucial to remember this: long tail keywords (that is, those that consist of more than five or six words) are a very important search pattern. So, try to include some in your content plan.

    Offer value and authenticity to your audience

    No matter how much you adapt to Google’s algorithm, if you don’t offer your visitors anything truly interesting, they’ll just leave immediately and all that investment will have gone to waste. That’s why it’s important to get back to basics and understand ideas like “content is king.”

    So, always make sure your articles or texts are interesting, as well as genuine, for your users. That means that they shouldn’t be a rehash of other articles or be generated automatically with tools like ChatGPT. Adding value is always essential.

    Use all the technical resources available to you

    Aspects such as link building, the use of images, or the proper insertion of meta elements will be key to your strategy. Therefore, pay close attention to the more technical side of SEO to keep Google’s algorithm happy. Otherwise, you may be heavily penalized.

    Opt for website translation

    It’s true that translators are essential to websites and online stores that want to offer their services or products in several countries all at once. Simply feeding your texts into a machine translator and pasting them onto the new page is definitely not the way to go. Instead, you’ll need a professional translation and, subsequently, a new positioning to cater to the search criteria in each region. Keep in mind that searches won’t be the same in Spain compared to England, for example.

    In fact, you’ll need to translate lots of different aspects. For instance:

    • You’ll need to translate all the text on your company website, as well as the meta elements, so that Google can properly index those sections.
    • On an e-commerce website, it’s essential for all product descriptions to be properly translated. Only then will users trust you and shop at your store. Keep in mind that a spelling mistake or meaningless text can lead to returns or raise suspicions among the traffic you attract.
    • If your company uses its own software, translate that too. This way, teams you work with in other countries will know how to use it and will be able to operate autonomously.

    Now you know about the main points that can influence and benefit your SEO strategy. Do you want to improve your positioning with texts translated by experts? At blarlo we can help you overcome all the challenges you set yourself!

    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Nederlands (Dutch) Deutsch (German)