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    Blockchain business applications

    Blockchain business applications
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    Companies are constantly finding ways to implement new technologies. Their value is key when it comes to boosting productivity and achieving business goals. Blockchain is one of the technologies that seek to make a change and a real difference. Let us tell you all about it and how it can be applied.

    What is blockchain?

    It is a technology in which information remains encoded in a series of blocks or within a network. Through the use of cryptography, when anything happens with the dataset, it is recorded in said chain, and can be revisited at any time. In a sense, it’s like keeping a ledger in which every single transaction gets recorded.

    What’s most unique about it is that all this encoded information passes through different nodes, and these nodes don’t have to be in the same place. In other words, through a network of computers that guarantee the continuity of the chain, all the information will remain encoded in it. That being said, there’s no need for all the network’s users to know each other or be in the same location. We’re talking about a global network.

    As you can see, while it’s a complex idea, it certainly offers numerous opportunities for today’s businesses. We’ll explain everything below.

    How can you use it for your company?

    Who can benefit from this type of technology? Can anyone use it? Let’s take a look at which aspects or sectors can get the most out of it.

    • Food companies. Here, blockchain can guarantee precisely where a product has been, ranging from its origin, transportation, and conditions. This way, we can ensure the security of the chain followed for the product’s conservation.
    • The logistics sector. The previous example shows how this technology can be used to properly monitor order deliveries. However, it’s also a good tool in case of loss or misplacement. This way, companies can save lots of money on their returns system. It guarantees that orders are monitored at all times.
    • A security and reliability boost for your company. Without a doubt, blockchain’s main use involves providing companies with an added layer of protection. This method of storing or directing information is truly secure, preventing a wide range of attacks. In a time where data are essentially the intangible gold that companies possess, being equipped with a protection network like this one can make all the difference when it comes to customer relations. This is why blockchain is so useful in all sectors.

    Ultimately, the use of blockchain is becoming increasingly popular within companies for a range of reasons. In this post, we’ve explained some of its most interesting applications. If you’re looking for a top-quality translation team that has properly adapted to new technologies, don’t wait any longer. Get in touch with us!

    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Nederlands (Dutch) Deutsch (German)