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    Types of Translation: Which One Should I specialize in?

    Traducción estudio
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    Do you know what the different fields of translation are? Here, we’ll sum up their main characteristics to help you choose the translation specialization that best suits your personal tastes.

    What types of translation are there?

    Translators are trained to adapt to any job, but it’s also important that they broaden their knowledge when dealing with translations such as those included in the following types.


    This includes the translation of user manuals and instructions, as well as technical documents (from engineering, architecture or electronics, among other fields). In order to be successful, it’s essential to have previous knowledge of the specific area of the text to be translated.


    Scientific translation is considered a variant of the above and focuses on the interpretation of scientific texts such as doctoral theses, articles or papers, to name a few examples.

    Financial or economic

    Jobs usually involve translating texts related to finances, the stock market or banking activities. Balance sheets, contracts, budgets and the like are the most common texts you will encounter. It’s one of the most demanded types, given the continuous commercial transactions that take place on a daily basis throughout the world.


    You will deal with legal documents, administrative records, court reports and minutes, among others.


    This field requires translating documents submitted to a court of law (court records, rulings, depositions, etc.).


    It includes legally-binding documents, such as all kinds of contracts, agreements, insurance policies or business deals, among others. To be successful in any of the last three types, you must have a broad knowledge of current legislation, in order to better adapt each term used to the target language.


    This field is often mistaken for the previous, but they’re quite different. The sworn translator certifies an official translation of a document that requires authentication. If you specialize in this type of work, you need legal knowledge and preparation for court work, as you could also work as a court translator or translate texts such as certificates, marriage contracts or notarial documents, among others. The work is constant and can be a way to get into a more promising career outlook.


    It’s a very demanding field, but also incredibly satisfying. Remember that you will not only have to grasp the meaning of the text, but also the true intentions of the person who wrote it. So, each sentence is a challenge, since you have to analyze the style, the linguistic turns of phrase and, above all, pay attention to the tone of the resulting text. This is another of the most requested types of translation. If you’re lucky, you may be able to translate the works of specific authors, depending on your previous work and your ability to understand each author’s style.

    Now that you know the different types of translation, all that remains is for you to specialize in your favorite one. You can trust us to help you develop your professional career. Ask us any questions you may have and start working with us. We’d be delighted to have you on the team.


    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French)