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    The future of streaming and languages

    el streaming se utiliza como medio de comunicación internacional y tenemos la solución para traducirlo a todos los idiomas
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    As you know, streaming has become a core model of today’s online communication. In fact, many people are now working in this industry. There are also many events that have been broadcast live around the world, which has proven its effectiveness for companies and brands. However, it’s not enough to just set up a camera and record, some things need to be taken into account for the plan to be a success.

    How does streaming benefit brands?

    The following points show how this system can be highly beneficial for companies:

    • Community growth: Those interested in the brand don’t need a ticket to access its events.
    • Low and easily recoverable investment: If, for example, you plan to launch a new product through one of these events, you will spend little and gain a lot. In addition, a streaming device is quick to set up.
    • Younger audience: It could be of interest to reach this age range. Brands can make an important impact here.
    • Easy-to-follow events: All you need is a device with internet access to enjoy this type of event.

    What are the challenges?

    If you’re interested in this communication method, it’s important to clearly define the more complex elements.

    Create interesting content

    Not everyone will watch your streaming just because the format is trendy. You will have to create original and entertaining content in order to connect with your audience. Therefore, if you want it to be profitable, don’t forget to plan the event well and make it attractive to your audience.

    Provide enough technical quality

    In this case, you must use quality recording and broadcasting equipment. Invest in cameras and sound systems, otherwise the result can be very poor. Besides, nowadays you can find a great variety of systems and options for this. In audiovisual companies, technical quality is the key to good results and, in agencies like ours, we take care of your video image and content with our audiovisual translation service.

    Use simultaneous translation

    To attract audiences around the world or to reach your foreign customers, using a simultaneous translation resource will be especially useful. This way, viewers will be able to understand everything that happens at the event, and you will be able to significantly expand your audience. Without a doubt, instant transcription is the best way to increase the number of viewers and to combine streaming and languages.

    Now you know why streaming is a format that should not be overlooked. Its immediacy and the lack of time for filters, edits or regrets are what add value to this means of communication. That said, it’s important to adapt your broadcasts to your audience. For this reason, we recommend you follow our advice and rely ona team of translators at all times. You will find them at blarlo!

    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Nederlands (Dutch) Deutsch (German)