[btx_image image_id=”362″ link=”/” position=”center”][/btx_image] Si tienes un negocio y pretendes internacionalizarlo, está claro que tendrás que traducir todos sus contenidos: desde la página web hasta los anuncios y la documentación más técnica de los manuales de instrucciones. Sin embargo, la gran mayoría de las empresas no piensan en la redacción de un contenido como un texto traducible. Esto es: tu jefe te pide que redactes un comunicado de prensa para mañana a primera hora. Lo haces y punto. Luego resulta …
Year: 2021
After the two previous posts, we can now conclude this guide with some opinion pieces in which colleagues in the sector discuss computer-assisted translation tools. [btx_image link=”/” position=”center” size=”medium”][/btx_image] Are they worth it? – Advantages and disadvantages of using CAT tools in literary translation, by Isabel Valiente, author of the blog Diario IAT de Isabel Valiente. – A critical defense of translation memories, article by Andrés López Ciruelos, published in Panace@ magazine. – Translation, a professional alternative, by Salvador Aparicio, …
Do you know what the different fields of translation are? Here, we’ll sum up their main characteristics to help you choose the translation specialization that best suits your personal tastes. What types of translation are there? Translators are trained to adapt to any job, but it’s also important that they broaden their knowledge when dealing with translations such as those included in the following types. Technical This includes the translation of user manuals and instructions, as well as technical documents …
Medical translation is a branch of scientific-technical translation that focuses on the field of medicine and related sciences. It’s main goal is to convey information in the most objective way possible, achieving precision, clarity, and term accuracy. What are the areas of specialization in medical translation? Although at first you may think that “medical translation” is equivalent to translating patient records or package inserts, it includes a lot more than that. It covers five sectors: translation agencies or companies, the …
Knowing several languages is becoming more and more common, and in many cases you’re able to express yourself in at least one or two other languages in addition to your native language. This allows you to make yourself understood and to be able to interpret documents that are not written in your native language. However, for certain kinds of texts it is essential to have a professional translator to avoid mistakes and to ensure the message is delivered accurately. 3 …