The need for digital transformation in SMEs

Over the past few years, the need for digital transformation of SMEs in Spain has become an increasingly prominent topic. While it’s certainly a pending issue in the business world, today it’s easier than ever to make it a reality. This is why we’d like to talk to you about the main obstacles, the advantages such a change can offer, and the doors that will open when you dive into the online world.

The need to modernize SMEs in Spain

Digital transformation simply consists of implementing digital and technological functions and elements into a company’s daily operations. It involves actions as straightforward as using a management software for expenses and accounts, using social media, or having a website for selling your products. What’s more, this model change also comes with plenty of benefits:

  • You offer customers a convenient platform. A good digital platform for selling products or for offering online customer service helps them do their shopping and resolve any queries. This way, they won’t need to go to your physical point of sale every time they need something.
  • It improves the way your company operates. You’ll have a proper record of everything. Not only this, digital transformation also goes hand in hand with other key aspects such as digital cybersecurity. Errors or interruptions that may come up in the workflow are reduced.
  • Sales go up. Generally speaking, digitalizing a company also leads to an increase in sales. Just think that, by opening an e-commerce business and offering your services online, you’re expanding your target audience. Therefore, if you pair this with good marketing and communications, it’s highly likely that your turnover will increase.

Ultimately, it’s a model change that can offer several advantages. In addition, it doesn’t have to come with loads of additional expenses for your company. We’ll tell you why.

Take advantage of Next Generation funding

Spain, as well as the European Union in general, is committed to the digitalization of its SMEs. It’s an obvious necessity in order to promote a more competitive and global economy. Today, it’s not only the big players that operate globally. There are also lots of SMEs that, while they may not have as many employees, are able to sell their products all over their country and beyond. This is why new grants become available every year that can bear a significant portion of your company’s digitalization costs. From creating a website all the way up to investing in a cybersecurity system.

These subsidies are part of the Next Generation funding scheme, which aims to modernize European economies over the next 10 years. In Spain, specifically, these kinds of schemes and national grants go by the name Kit Digital, and several subsidy packages are already available.

If you’re looking for something more local, many autonomous communities or municipalities offer grants and subsidies of this kind. We recommend that you check with your accounting firm or that you check your local government websites to find all the opportunities offered within this business modernization process that’s taking place all over the continent.

Internationalization, a window of opportunity for your company’s growth

How can you take advantage of these kinds of digital grants, and how can you modernize your company for it to grow and still be competitive? The clear answer is: by taking the opportunities the Internet has to offer. One of these has to do with selling your products all around the world. A great way to make this happen is by identifying micro niches (or small market niches) that can help you to generate income and stand out among the competition.

And what do you need to start internationalizing your business? First of all, you need a solid digital infrastructure you can rely on to sell your products and enter foreign markets. The second ingredient is mastering the language and developing a good communication strategy to set you apart from your competition. This second point inevitably requires you to place your website in the hands of a translation agency that can adapt and polish your international communications. In this way, you’ll be able to connect with your audience in different languages all over the world, gain their trust, and increase your sales abroad.

As you can see from what we’ve discussed in this article, the digital transformation of SMEs is a process that is here to stay. If you still haven’t started modernizing your company, now is the time to take the plunge. If you’re interested in conquering other markets, now you can do so with the support of professional translators, just like the ones we work with at blarlo.

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