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    Software Guide for Translators (1)

    Guía de software para traductores
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    Today we are rounding up some great articles about the best translation software, to give you the most complete guide as possible. If you notice that something is missing, let us know! We will be happy to include it in the guide. 🙂

    Since there is a lot of information, we have decided to divide it into three blocks:

    • Links to software for translators
    • Articles on specific types of software
    • Opinion pieces on translation software

    Here we go!

    Links to software for translators:

    Translation software, from the Digital Library of Translation of the University of Granada.

    My top 10 free software for translators, by Damián Santilli, author of the blog Tradugeek.

    Free software for translators, by Silvia Florez, author of the blog Traducción y mundo libre.

    Free software for translators, published by Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

    Catalog of tools for software and website localization, article by Roula Sokoli published by Tradumàtica magazine.

    Software for translators (1): the basics, by Isabel García Cutillas, author of the blog El traductor en la sombra.

    Software for translators (2): review of CAT tools, by Isabel García Cutillas, author of the blog El traductor en la sombra.

    Software for translators (3): the importance of backup copies, by Isabel García Cutillas, author of the blog El traductor en la sombra.

    CAT for beginners, by Lourdes Rey, author of the blog Déjame traducir.

    Translation software review, from the 7 brands website.

    Open source applications for Computer Assisted Translation, from USAL’s Infotra blog.

    Individual and team project management. The OSS Method: Optimize, Share, and Save, presentation by Eugenia Arrés at ETIM 2012.

    Small translation tools that I would die without, by Javier Mallo, author of the LocQAz blog.

    We hope you enjoyed this article. 🙂


    This article was originally published on the blog Traducir es descubrir.

    This post is also available in: Français (French) Nederlands (Dutch)

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