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    How do you translate an e-commerce site?

    Traducir un ecommerce
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    Taking into consideration all the elements of your e-commerce site requiring translation will offer you greater control when it comes to establishing you brand image before customers. Communication is a key element for connecting with your customers and, at the same time, will naturally vary according to their profile, age and socio-economic level, among other factors. That’s why it’s important that you look after this tool, not just on your main homepage, but also in your translations.

    how to translate an e-commerce site

    Aspects to bear in mind when it comes to translating an e-commerce site

    Parents don’t use the same language as their children, nor do we communicate in the way when speaking with family as we do in a business meeting, for example. For this exact reason, it is important that you adapt each element to your audience. What’s more, the words we choose are not just a simple vehicle for conveying concepts. Within an online environment, for example, these are strategically important in elements such as SEO, or when it comes to making sales.

    A quality translation will bear in mind all of these factors and adapt them to the culture with which you hope to communicate. Depending on your business activity, if you’re looking to connect with your customers and stand out from the competition, you won’t want to stick to neutral language or use poor-quality translations. A professional translator will able to more carefully control their language and offer better results in the following regards:

    Appropriate use of tone

    Even if you’ve mastered the theory of a language, it’s important to understand the culture of the country with which we hope to communicate in order to ensure good translations. Uses and customs will vary by region, and things as simple as the use of informal verb forms – in languages like French and Spanish, for example – can be perceived as overly confident. If you want to address a certain niche, you’ll encounter the same problem with the use of jargon.

    A professional translator understands cultural differences and will adapt the text to local ways of communicating. To do so, they’ll adjust formal expressions, specific terms and phrases to suit each country and language. This way, all versions of your website will be seen as authentic, rather than translations.

    Selecting the best SEO terms for your business

    As you know, today, a huge percentage of our web traffic comes directly from Google searches. The search terms that will help you to achieve page views won’t necessarily translate directly into other languages. Again, the way in which we express ourselves changes from culture to culture, and a professional can help you to adopt the most appropriate expressions in order to attract a quality audience via search engines.

    Adapting the sales process to the country’s culture

    As we noted above, different countries use different tones of communication – but, in reality, this goes much further than set phrases or the way in which you should address your audience. The format in which you display prices – in product descriptions and other areas of your site – will also vary. All these elements, combined in the right way, can help you to boost your sales; as such, an expert translator can make the difference to your turnover.

    Why we should avoid free machine translation

    If you use a free online tool to translate an e-commerce site, you won’t be able to control any of these aspects. Consequently, instead of having the results reviewed by an expert in the language, all you’ll get is a word-for-word translation into the target language. This will make the results poor at best.

    Your audience will struggle to see you as an expert in the market and you’ll lose both credibility and sales. Although these tools can often come in handy, their application in the world of business is far from optimal. As such, whenever possible, it’s best to opt for professional services.

    By working with expert translators, you’ll not only manage to translate the content of your site from one language into another, you’ll also benefit from an expert’s opinion. What’s more, they’ll advise you on the most recommendable changes and modifications you can make to reach your audience and connect with them in the way you expect.

    Trust Blarlo to carry out your translations

    By working with Blarlo, you’ll have access to hundreds of professional translators, allowing you to adapt your website into nearly 600 languages. Thanks to our professionalism and speed of work, companies like Cabify, Glovo, Deloitte and Axa have chosen us to bring their businesses to customers around the world. Our experience and hundreds of satisfied customers speak for us.

    Request a quote for your e-commerce translation

    If you want to find out more about our prices and how we work, get in touch and let us know more about the elements of your e-commerce site to be translated. We’ll be delighted to offer you a no-commitment quote and help you bring your business to each and every corner of the globe.

    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Deutsch (German)