Multinational Spanish brands: what have they done to succeed?

Multinational Spanish brands are the big companies that have made a lot of moves to position the country as a reference in international markets. Obviously this hasn’t been simple, and in many cases it is due to strategic work that has been correctly carried out. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons that have led to business success, so that your company can emulate them.

What have the Spanish multinationals done well?

Inditex, Iberdrola and Telefonica are just a few of the biggest brands in Spain, and their success can be explained beyond the quality of their service or product, by a series of factors that have had a profound influence on it.

1. Choosing which markets to enter.

The first thing to think about before taking any big leaps is where the company wants to be present. Potentially, there are almost an infinite amount of markets to be accessed. Choosing those which offer the most opportunities is key to the success of the brand in order for it to profit from these types of ventures and stabilize new areas of work.

2. Using language as a tool for success

Languages are essential, not only when establishing an internal communication, but also when communicating with the public. A company has to search for strategic alliances and deal with organizations from other sectors. At the very least, this has to be done when entering new markets. This type of internal communication has to be done in a common language, and in a fluid way.

In the same way, when offering products to the public, or when presenting and explaining what the brand does, the company will need to do so in the same language as their target audience. This is possible by relying on a team of translators that can carry out this job with care. This is to make sure there are no errors, and that the public won’t be wary of new brands.

3. Working on an international image

Finally, the success of a company is defined by the image that the brand projects. Multinational companies are those that inspire greater confidence, and have the ability and sufficient structure to offer a quality service, as well as to solve any problems that may arise. This requires investment, and also branding.

Therefore, if you want your company to reach other markets, it is essential that you have sufficient resources and a brand story serious enough for the public across the world to trust you. This is achieved through mistake-free business practices and working with a professional team in all possible areas.

In short, Spanish multinationals have opened the door for many other companies that are looking to start an internationalization process. Now you know which pillars to focus on. If you need a translation team, don’t hesitate. We’re here to help you!

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