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    Business and international marketing

    La traduucción para campañas de marketing internacional y negocios que quieren expandir sus fronteras
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    There is a very close relationship between business and international marketing. At the end of the day, if you want to expand your company to reach new horizons, you’ll have to rely on advertising.

    For this reason, it’s fundamental to have a good marketing strategy in place that can help position your products in new foreign markets. In this complex process, correctly using the target country’s language is essential to guarantee success. We’ll explain why

    What does international marketing involve?

    The aspects involved in international marketing are associated with a perfect command of the language spoken in the campaign’s target country. We’ll explain everything in this article.

    Getting to know the new market

    How do they do business? Does the original brand represent anything that might catch the attention of potential customers? It is essential to answer these questions from the very beginning.

    To do so, you will have to have carried out an accurate market study that can reveal your company’s potential situation. Keep in mind that each niche and business space has its own rules, and the first requirement to be successful is to understand them. In this regard, a professional translator will help you access this information quickly and accurately.

    Getting closer to the culture

    Advertising and consumerism are parts of a country’s culture, broadly speaking. What people buy or any publicity they positively receive has to do with their idiosyncrasies, character, and customs.

    For a campaign to be successful, for example, it must appeal to a feeling they understand, expressed in a language they can relate to, and founded in a situation that represents them. All these aspects are crucial to successfully internationalize your business.

    For this reason, once again, working with native translators is key, not only to ensure well-written messages, but also to know whether an advertising style aligns with a target country or not.

    A campaign that sparks interest

    Selling your products in your own country is not the same as selling them in one that isn’t very familiar with your brand (and vice versa). You won’t have the same network, nor will you be able to communicate with your audience as easily.

    As a result, you’ll need to put together a great marketing and public relations campaign that can place your brand in a privileged position. Therefore, you’ll have to design one that can make an impact and foster relationships with small distributors that are interested in your product.

    All this requires an excellent command of the language. For communication to be successful it must be, above all, correct.

    Why work with a translation agency?

    Ideally, throughout this process, an agency will be by your side, helping you succeed in new markets. It’s not a bad idea to consider forging an indefinite working relationship with an agency since, as you’ll see, there will always be plenty of work.

    1. Maintaining contact

    It’s not enough to simply land in a new market and then disengage. You’ll have to establish a regular relationship with all the distributors or with the team you set up in the target country.

    Consequently, there will always be documents or messages that will have to be written in their language. Therefore, to maintain your professional image at all times, you’ll need to be able to count on the support of an agency that can work in both languages at a native level.

    2. Solving problems

    Emergencies of any kind are always a possibility. In order to properly understand and overcome them, you’ll need accurate information about what is going on in real time. In such cases, as you can imagine, you’ll also need the services of quality translators.

    3. Having access to specialized marketing translation services

    Finally, there are agencies that specialize in professional translation for specific sectors. One of them is marketing and advertising. The reason for this is that these kinds of jobs have certain particularities that require translators to deal with specific aspects, such as the use of expert vocabulary or keeping in mind certain contexts.

    For example: great care must be taken when translating slogans so that they mean exactly the same thing, or so that no double meanings or incorrect interpretations arise. In terms of tone, this is one of the most relevant aspects of the messages you’ll be sending out. You’ll need someone to adapt them perfectly to the target country.

    Here at blarlo, we can offer you this and much more. We provide translation services for business and international marketing that will really help you achieve more clarity in your communications. In this way, you will be more successful when trying to enter the international market. Interested? Then get in touch now to start working together.

    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Nederlands (Dutch) Deutsch (German)