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    Archives of Culture and localization

    Los idiomas mas dificiles del mundo
    What are the most difficult languages in the world?
    Determining the most difficult languages in the world is a complex task. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey through some of the most difficult languages in the world, exploring their characteristics and discovering what makes them...
    Principales frases hechas en catalán
    Top idiomatic expressions in Catalan
    Idiomatic expressions in Catalan are an important part of the Catalan language and culture. Keeping this type of element in mind when writing a novel or other content, or even when having conversations in Catalan, can be key to correctly lo...
    Translation company in Barcelona
    Translation company in Barcelona
    In this post, we’d like to tell you a little more about our translation company in Barcelona and the multilingual services it offers. Our team of expert Catalan translators are at the forefront of our mission to provide professional trans...
    Translation Agencies in Barcelona
    Translation Agencies in Barcelona
    You likely already know that translation agencies in Barcelona are an important part of the Catalan economy. We work with many brands that want to engage with a Catalan audience, and to do this they use the Catalan language. This is why we ...
    Traduce para vender tus productos alimenticios en China
    Marketing a food product in China
    China, the Asian giant, has become one of the most profitable markets in the world. Hundreds or even thousands of Spanish companies are trying to carve out a niche for themselves to export their products to the country. You could do it too,...
    is worth highlighting that the translated text must have the same effect in the target language as in the original for there to be any  cultural adaptation.
    Poor translations lead to cultural crises
    An image and text should work together to attract and seduce foreigners to choose a particular tourist package. Seduction requires language, and tourists will greatly appreciate being able to read leaflets and guides that help them to find ...
    The difference between translation and localization
    The difference between translation and localization
    Translation and localization are concepts that are closely related but their meanings and scope are completely different. Each specialty applies different cultural and functional techniques. Given the importance and interconnectedness betwe...
    Translation mistakes on social networks
    Translation mistakes on social networks
    Since the irruption in our lives of what many call the digital age, borders ceased to exist in a market that could not be more attractive to most businesses. It doesn’t matter if it’s an eCommerce site, any other type of company...
    Co-official languages in Spain
    Co-official languages in Spain
    The co-official languages in Spain are specified in Article 3 of the Constitution. Below, we’ll give you full information on each of them: What are the co-official languages in Spain? In fact, there are five. Below, we’ll tell you a bit...
    What are Vernacular Languages?
    What are Vernacular Languages? | Blarlo.com
    Vernacular refers to the language of a given place. In the science of translation, it is important to know the history of the source language to make it easier for you to grasp the true meaning of the text. We’ll go over this in the next ...