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    • Laeticia Abihssira

    All posts of Laeticia Abihssira

    La calidad en traducción
    Quality in Translation
    Whenever we buy a product or hire any type of service, we look for the best quality and, if not that, the best value for our money. However, many clients ask us what we mean by ‘quality’ when we talk about a translation and how ...
    Guía de software para traductores
    Software Guide for Translators (1)
    Today we are rounding up some great articles about the best translation software, to give you the most complete guide as possible. If you notice that something is missing, let us know! We will be happy to include it in the guide. 🙂 Since...
    Guía de software para traductores
    Software Guide for Translators (2)
    In our previous blog post, we listed some software for translators. Today we’ll provide links to articles on different types of software; these might prove useful to you in your translation work. 🙂 Articles on specific types of softwar...
    Guía de software para traductores (3)
    Software Guide for Translators (3)
    After the two previous posts, we can now conclude this guide with some opinion pieces in which colleagues in the sector discuss computer-assisted translation tools. Are they worth it? – Advantages and disadvantages of using CAT tools ...
    10 consejos para traducir tus contenidos
    10 Tips for Translating Your Content
    Si tienes un negocio y pretendes internacionalizarlo, está claro que tendrás que traducir todos sus contenidos: desde la página web hasta los anuncios y la documentación más técnica de los manuales de instrucciones. Sin embargo, la gr...
    Contratar a un traductor Profesional
    Why Hire a Professional Translator?
    We currently live in a globalized world, markets are open to competitors from anywhere in the world and who speak different languages. But when it comes to expanding into a new market it is absolutely essential to connect with your productâ...
    The Most International Translation Day
    Translation has always been a job with an important international component, as many professional translations involve communication between two different countries. But that may not always be the case. For example in Spain, translations in...
    Translation and Publication of a Book
    Myths about Certified Translations
    If you need a certified translator to validate official documents abroad or to be able to present evidence at a trial, it’s normal to face some confusion when hiring these services. The profession of certified translator is one of the pro...