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    How to translate an Amazon e-commerce store

    traducir un ecommerce para vender en Amazon
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    Do you have an e-commerce store on Amazon? Would you like your products to reach people all over the world? To achieve this, as you probably already know, it is essential that you translate your e-commerce business with the help of translation professionals. We’ll tell you how to do it.

    How do translations work for Amazon?

    This e-commerce platform gives professionals from around the world and in almost any sector the opportunity to sell products. When you put your products up for sale on Amazon, you have to provide a description as well as all the necessary technical information.

    However, in order to expand your sales opportunities and get buyers from different countries, you need to translate the page’s content to the language spoken by your potential customers.

    The platform itself has integrated an automatic translation software, which goes by the name Amazon Translate. However, as you may already know, automatic translations are not always totally reliable. They often produce overly literal translations and contain ambiguities, among other issues. In turn, this can harm your brand’s image, meaning that it is best to contract the services of professional translators.

    Before uploading your translations to Amazon’s marketplace, you must confirm what the target country is like both culturally and linguistically.

    How to produce a translation for Amazon A9

    First, we need to explain what Amazon A9 is, if you don’t already know. It is the platform’s search algorithm. Its job is to classify the pages that are shown to users and to position the products based on different criteria. This means that, on the one hand, you need a good translation for the products that you sell and, on the other, you should also keep SEO in mind for A9.

    The importance of briefing

    The first thing you need to know in order to write, and later translate, a sales text online is who you’re trying to sell your product to. Language isn’t the only element at play; there are other factors, for example sociocultural ones, that will determine your potential customers’ preferences. Therefore, it’s a good idea to analyse them.

    The way people express themselves, or even how they perform an Amazon search, varies significantly between different countries, so you should be aware of such aspects.

    This means that, before translating your products’ descriptions, you should write your brand’s briefing. To do this, you need to know who your buyers are in the market you’ll be targeting, what image you want your brand to project in that market and, above all, whether your product fits in with the culture to which your target market belongs.

    Analyse your competitors

    It is essential that you analyse your competition. This way you can get ideas and come up with a strategy. In order to perform a thorough analysis of companies offering products that are similar to yours, you should find out what tone they use to address their customers, whether they include the products’ technical characteristics, whether they have good reviews, etc. Then you’ll be able to detect their weaknesses, in order to offer something better.

    Once you have taken these steps and know what audience you should target, along with their characteristics, preferences and needs, you’ll also have a much better idea about how they express themselves. Therefore, you’ll know what key words are most often used for specific searches.

    To study their search tendencies even further, it would be a good idea to get in touch with an expert who can give you information about customs and cultural questions. Or, you also have the option to work with a translation agency that specialises in marketing.

    In this sense, keep in mind that changes do not only occur in the vocabulary of one language compared to another; languages can even have different varieties, like in the case of Belgium and France, for example.

    You should keep in mind that Amazon is the most popular trading platform in the world, meaning that if you’re looking to expand your business, this is the best place to do it. You’ll be able to cater to customers in any country you like, as long as you’ve checked that your products can work.

    Boost your e-commerce store on Amazon with Blarlo

    However, as we have seen, this can’t be done on a whim, since it requires a series of thorough analyses. If you were thinking of trusting an automatic translator with the translation of your page, please, think again, as it is very likely you won’t achieve your goal.

    Instead, our advice is that you leave it up to translation professionals who will also know how to guide you in terms of the customs, courtesy and culture of the country in which you hope to sell your products. In this way, you’ll not only ensure an impeccable translation, but also that you’re perfectly aligned with your potential customers’ particularities. Here at Blarlo, we’d love to help you with your e-commerce store on Amazon, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Deutsch (German)