How to carry out a mailing campaign

Have you ever heard of mailing? It is a very effective marketing tool that allows us to send mass emails to whatever contact list we choose. But how does mailing work? We explain it all in this article. Keep reading.

Is mailing the same as email marketing?

The answer is not exactly. In email marketing the email is used as a diffusion method for companies, but those who receive it must give their consent. This is a strategy that is very widely used in all corporations, and its aim is to communicate with customers online. Here are some more differences:

Email marketing

The objective of this technique is to promote loyalty and create a relationship of trust between the user and the brand. It also depends on content creation and employs different types of newsletters to achieve the set goals.


As for mailing, on the other hand, the idea is to connect with potential customers by sending emails to a contact list. This being said, it is likely that it will end up being considered spam, precisely because customers do not give their consent.

What are the advantages of mailing?

This advertising method has many benefits that we list below:

  • It is a very effective technique.
  • It allows for a high level of flexibility.
  • It is a direct communication method.
  • The results of this strategy are easily measurable.
  • It is very efficient in terms of boosting sales.

In addition to these advantages, it is important to know which customers or potential customers should be the target of your mailing campaign. To do so, you should put together what is known as a mailing list, which contains the details of people who are interested in your products. Once it is ready, you can start preparing your mailing strategy.

The mailing list, as we mentioned earlier, is the contact list with email addresses of users who are potential customers or the target audience for the services you offer on your page, which is essentially the same. This list is used, above all, for mailing campaigns that segment recipients according to their characteristics and preferences.

How to carry out an effective mailing campaign

One of the most important things when carrying out a mailing campaign is to get our recipients to open the email instead of dismissing it. But, how? The subject line is the key. This is what will mark the difference between a successful campaign and an unsuccessful one. As you can imagine, it should be something that grabs the user’s attention, but it is also essential to ensure that the email is sent to the right inbox, and not to spam, among other factors. However, aside from all this, we insist that the most important thing is to choose the subject line wisely.

How do I write a good subject line for my mailing campaign?

Here is a list with some of the features an effective subject line should have:

Use immediate, almost urgent, language

Catch the customers’ interest in the moment. If the subject line hints that they have some time to think about it, it is very likely that they will have forgotten about it 5 minutes later.

Generate curiosity

This is probably the most important condition. If you keep the customers on their toes about what you’re proposing, your campaign will be a success. To achieve this, you should try to describe what you’re going to talk about in the email, but in a way that incites curiosity.


Any campaign that aims to boost sales for a product or service should be measured, in order to see whether it works or not. You’ll need to generate an attractive email chain that makes potential customers want to know more. If you do it well, soon you’ll see that your open rate shoots up.

Don’t use language that is too promotional

If in the first lines users detect a desire to sell, they will immediately lose interest. Instead, it is advisable to explain what you’ll be talking about in your email, as we mentioned earlier. We insist that generating excitement is key. It is best to move slowly and gain the customer’s interest before talking about sales in the first contact.

Say thank you

Although it may seem trivial, it isn’t. There’s no need to go over the top; you should just say thank you for whatever you deem appropriate (for listening to you, etc.). This simple gesture will please the person who receives your email, making them more receptive and trustful.

As you can see, mailing can be a very useful marketing strategy to capture customers, especially if you follow the advice we offer. You can also consider carrying out a mailing campaign abroad, meaning that you’ll need the services of a qualified translator. Here at Blarlo, we work with the best professionals. Don’t wait any longer and get in touch.

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