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    When it just makes sense to translate Castilian to Galician

    traducir del castellano a gallego por una agencia de traducción profesional
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    Translations from Castilian to Galician are more common and necessary than they might seem. We often think that a translator is only useful for local communication. But if you consider books, publications, or business communications, you’ll see that there are many fields that you can work in to get bilingual results. We want to explore this idea in detail in this article.

    When is it useful to do translations from Castilian to Galician?

    We’ve already preemptively stated this above. Galician is an official language in Galicia, an autonomous region with nearly 3 million inhabitants. In fact, in recent years there’s been a rise in the use of Galician, including among young people. Many brands have already noticed this and advertised products or services in this language. One example among many is Netflix which last year offered up to 70 series in Galician.

    These types of offerings are great for consumers. Nevertheless, translations should not be offered solely for commercial purposes. Let’s explore some other effective applications:

    • Specialized publications. Scientific and cultural journals and similar publications. There are many studies that have also been published in Galician so that researchers can share their findings. It’s very painstaking work that we recommend you leave to the experts, since the specificity of the subject matter also has a specific translation in the applied language.
    • Novels and other types of works. Essays, poetry, theatrical works… public organizations and publishers always invest in protecting and preserving a region’s culture. In the case of Galicia, there’s a notable number of publishers that translate works from other parts of the world into Galician. This is an important cultural endeavor in which the priority is to respect and correctly preserve the author’s style. It’s a very gratifying work that we can help you with whenever you need it.
    • Organization newsletters. Many NGOs or foundations also translate their membership newsletters into the language of the region where their members reside, delivering bilingual documents. It’s a good way to empathize with and create closer relationships with people.
    • To do any type of presentation or exhibition. If you go to a museum, for example, you’ll see that the descriptions for each work are in multiple languages. In the same way that it’s used in art and culture, presentations for business projects or partnership deals typically make use of this type of planning in order to be more inclusive. Remember, in those scenarios, the most important thing is a good quality translation.

    Ultimately, it’s always useful to translate from Castilian to Galician. For that, it’s crucial that you have an expert team in place that can correctly reflect the original sentiment of each text. If you want to work with professional translators, don’t hesitate to contact us! At blarlo we know how to help you.

    This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Nederlands (Dutch) Deutsch (German)