What is artificial intelligence: risks of using it in your business

Many people think that artificial intelligence is the solution to translation problems. Quick and with no additional costs, what are its risks and rewards? We will tell you everything in this article.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is understood to be the ability of a machine to exhibit the same capabilities as human beings. Its main task is to understand their environment, resolve problems, and act by providing solutions. Its composition is made up of thousands and thousands of data processed in milliseconds, working autonomously with the capacity for analysis.

It sounds futuristic, however, the reality is that artificial intelligence has existed for more than 50 years in other forms, for longer than we realize. Advances in technology, such as face and voice recognition and different software, are more traditional examples of artificial intelligence.

Differences between human vs artificial translation

Are machine translations reliable? Well, taking into account that machines process answers through data collected and taken from the internet, the probability that there are errors within the translation is quite high. Whereas with human translation, there are two fundamental factors that contribute to the quality and full adaptation of the content to the target environment, culture, sector, or language:

1. Translators are native professionals in their target language. They understand linguistic and cultural nuances with which they can adjust the tone and correct meaning of a text.

2. Rigorous knowledge of the subtleties of language. Not only do they bring out the general sense of texts, but they also add quality, precision, and ability, in order to give a complete meaning to the message.

Risks and rewards of AI

Tools such as ChatGPT are the latest technological advancement. Its launch has dominated the media for its ease at generating texts without any effort. Its huge capacity for data processing is incredible! Even so, the benefits should be looked at from a long-term perspective, given that the risks are currently very high.

Risks within translation

1. Lack of quality. Machine translations interpret the translated text literally.

2. They do not understand synonymy. The same word can mean many different things depending on the context.

3. Absence of technical terms and jargon. A native translator knows what their language customs are.

4. No localization: Localization goes further than translation or simply locating somewhere on the map. It also involves figuring out the target culture, customs, expressions and tones in every word.

What does a translation agency bring to your business?

In this sense, we do not want to say that artificial intelligence is not extraordinary, because it is. But, unfortunately, it is not reliable in the world of translation. There is no system that regulates it and there is no way for a machine to match a message to a society’s culture, like a native translator. Translation agencies like blarlo guarantee the quality and precision that your brand deserves.

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