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    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Its Impact on E-commerce Companies

    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    Do you need translation services?
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    In addition to the interest and concern generated by the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), many of our clients request translations of texts and communications related to the GDPR. This is why I have decided to write this article, to try and clarify some points, but above all, to ensure transparent and efficient communication through specialized translations delivered by native speakers.

    What is the GDPR?

    The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on Friday May 25, 2018. Its main impact on companies is that we are moving from a model of recommendations or guidelines to a regulatory model that EU companies and organizations must be comply with.

    The new GDPR’s objective is to facilitate and enable users and citizens to control how companies or organizations use their personal data, taking into account the following rights for the key user:

    • The right to be informed about their information and how it is used
    • The right to access their information
    • The ability to rectify their information
    • The right to request their information be deleted
    • The right to limit the processing of their information for other purposes
    • The right to data portability, i.e., the ability to transfer their information from one platform to another

    Who does it affect?

    The new regulatory framework focuses on citizens of the European Union. Therefore, it affects companies both in the European Union and in other countries that process data from people in the European Union.

    This means that e-commerce companies, which in many cases operate in international markets, are significantly affected. This means that a company outside the European Union (USA, China, etc.) must also comply with the GDPR.

    Also, it is important to note that this new regulation affects both large companies, such as Amazon, Google, etc., and small businesses.

    What is happening?

    Companies must adjust to this new regulatory framework, and many of them have chosen to renew their terms, conditions, and privacy policies for their users or customers.

    As a result, users and citizens are receiving many messages from businesses to inform them about the new law.

    This situation is confusing users for three main reasons:

    • Some organizations and companies may be misinformed.
    • Some users don’t know this new law.
    • The law is complex from a legal standpoint.

    To make matter worse, many messages reach users in languages other than their native language. This increases the users’ doubts and reluctance to accept the new conditions, with the consequent future impact on companies in terms of communication, marketing, and sales.

    How can we improve the GDPR adjustment process?

    Excellent communication with users is essential for success and compliance with the GDPR. Also worth mentioning is the fact that the new regulatory framework applies to the entire European Union, and it is therefore essential to translate messages, privacy policies, terms and conditions, contracts, personal data management systems, etc.

    In order to ensure the quality of this communication in other languages, it is important to have translations carried out by professional translators who are native speakers of the target language and specialists in the field of GDPR.

    At blarlo, we are already helping our customers in their adjustment to the new regulation, since we have translators who specialize in GDPR. Would you like to adjust your e-commerce company to the GDPR? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be delighted to help you out!

    This post is also available in: Français (French)

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