Traducir contenido educativo

Why should you translate your educational content?

Educational content has taken on a central role in the global exchange of knowledge. As a result, translating it is essential to enable its diversification, reach, and use by its intended audience. In this article, we’ll tell you all about its main characteristics.

What is e-learning translation?

E-learning translation is essentially the adjustment and adaptation of an educational platform, website, application, or program to the language of its target audience. At all times, this type of translation must ensure a natural transition that promotes clear, straightforward, and much more immediate access.

Components of e-learning translation

Generally speaking, this language service involves the adaptation of different components:

  • Interface and content of the e-learning platform.
  • All the educational components and materials.
  • Audio files and voice notes.
  • Visual resources: images, graphs, illustrations, infographics, slides, and other similar aids.
  • Audiovisual formats through dubbing, subtitling, or script adaptation to be recorded at a later date.
  • Videoconferences and webinars, whether live or pre-recorded.
  • Exercises, exams, case studies, and quizzes.
  • Cultural adaptation of the e-learning product.
  • Data, tables, currency formats, and any additional information.

Benefits of translating your educational content

Translating your e-learning content to the languages of its different audiences widens its reach and appeal to more communities and individuals.  Read on for the specific advantages of adopting this strategy in terms of product-service improvement and marketing:

  • Learning experience optimization. Learning in one’s native language is much more straightforward, direct, agile, and convenient for anyone. Having to listen, watch, or read in a foreign language makes everything more difficult. Without a doubt, the effort needed to interpret and decode the messages reduces learners’ ability to understand, assimilate, and memorize the information.
  • Increase in actual and potential market. Each added language significantly increases the target audience of these teaching formats. Logically, the more speakers of that language there are in the world—Spanish, English, Arabic, Chinese, etc.—, the greater your chances of marketing growth.
  • Greater student satisfaction. When conducted in their mother tongue, the educational process is much more comfortable for participants. They feel more at ease, relaxed, and confident throughout their learning journey, which translates into a greater sense of belonging.
  • Demonstration of cultural sensitivity. Educational institutions that translate their content show respect for diversity, achieving a clear global presence.
  • Exchange of knowledge. Collaboration is key in the field of teaching and scientific research. Linguistic variety opens the door to new opportunities, allowing for more and better research projects and educational practices.
  • Greater competitive advantages. Standing out is essential to secure a spot in the market and gain the loyalty of a wider and more selective audience. Not only this, translations in this sector improve SEO and increase visibility.

Trust the best professionals with your educational content

By now, it should be clear that translating your educational content is the way to go. Optimal quality, reliability, expertise, cutting-edge technology, and experience are indispensable when it comes to achieving the desired results. Want to guarantee them with our language services? Here at blarlo, we look forward to hearing from you. Find out more about our services now.

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